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Abbey Gates Primary School

Learning Together & Making a Difference


Spellings - Spring 1

Step 13: Words ending in ’-sion’

expansion, extension, comprehension, tension, suspension, exclusion, provision, explosion, erosion, invasion

Step 14: Words ending in ’-ous’

poisonous, dangerous, mountainous, marvellous, perilous, tremendous, enormous, jealous, precious, disastrous

Step 15: Words ending in ’-ous’ incl. those where ‘ge’ from the base word remains

courageous, outrageous, nervous, famous, adventurous, disadvantageous, ridiculous, carnivorous, rapturous, torturous

Step 16: Words where a suffix is added to words ending in ‘y’

merriment, happiness, plentiful, penniless, happily, prettiest, nastiness, beautiful, pitiful, silliness

Step 17: Words ending in ’-ious’ and ‘eous’

serious, obvious, curious, hideous, spontaneous, courteous, furious, various, victorious, gaseous

Step 18: Challenge Words

extreme, although, breath, caught, different, exercise, medicine, thought, business, possession
