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Abbey Gates Primary School

Learning Together & Making a Difference


Spring - Explore

This term we will be focussing on our EXPLORE project.


We will start by exploring the concept of what it means to belong, both to a place and to a community. Through our ‘explorer of the week’ challenges, children will explore human and physical features of different places and name the continents and oceans of the world. We will practise reading maps (before creating our own!) and learn about compass directions.


After half term we will extend our learning and compare where we live to life in a Non-European country. We will explore the life of Floella Benjamin through her book ‘Coming to England’. Children will find out about her life both in Trinidad and in the UK and explore, through our Big Question, how it is possible to ‘belong’ to more than one place.


More information can be found in this term’s project placemat which is attached below.
