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Abbey Gates Primary School

Learning Together & Making a Difference




Please discuss, explore and investigate each spelling hypothesis. 


Spring Term

06.03.23 - The prefix ‘re-’ means ‘again’, ‘anti-’ means ‘against’ and ‘auto-’ means ‘self’.

20.02.23 - The prefixsub-’ means ‘above’, ‘super-’ means ‘between’ or ‘among’ and ‘inter-’ means ‘under’.

23.01.23 - Understanding Plurals - Words that end in a hissing/buzzing or shushing sound add –es.

11.01.23 - All words that end in ‘f’ or ‘fe’ when pluralised drop these letters and add –ves.


Autumn Term

05.12.22 -The letter ‘c’ is the most commonly pronounced as a soft ‘c’, as in ‘city’.

21.11.22 - When you add –y to a word ending in ‘e’, you always drop the ‘e’ before adding –y

07.11.22 - If a noun is plural then the apostrophe always goes after the ‘s’.

10.10.22 - Only when the person or animal as well as the belonged item is plural, does the apostrophe go after the 's'.

26.09.22 - It is easier to play charades with words ending in ‘gue’ than ‘que’.

Focus Words

06.03.23 - Our 15 focus words are:

1. gradually

6. hydrogen

11. interrelated


2. grammar

7. hygiene

12. intersection

3. guard

8. impatient

13. intrigue


4. hardly

9. imperfect

14. invading

5. height

10. increase

15. island

20.02.23 - Our 15 focus words are: 

1. deflation

6. disrespect

11. emotionally


2. devious

7. dual

12. envious

3. devour

8. dubious

13. eternally


4. disastrous

9. dual

14. fearful

5. disciple

10. eighteen

15. formidably

21.01.23 - Our 15 focus words are:

1. adaptation

6. alliteration

11. chemist


2. admission

7. blusterous

12. chiffon

3. addition

8. calculation

13. choir


4. admiration

9. callous

14. compassion

5. affection

10. captivation

15. court

11.01.23 - Our 15 focus words are:

1. sail

6. submarine

11. abbreviation


2. sale

7. submerge

12. abduction

3. satiation

8. superman

13. abolition


4. solution

9. travelling

14. abscess

5. spontaneous

10. version

15. action

05.12.22 - Our 15 focus words are:

1. interruption

6. mansion

11. outrageous


2. intrusion

7. mathematician

12. passion

3. leak

8. musician

13. politician


4. lecture

9. neigh

14. pyramid

5. leek

10. obscene

15. return

21.11.22 - Our 15 focus words are:

1. extension

6. gesture

11. impatient


2. feature

7. hideous

12. inclusion

3. forward

8. hyena

13. infusion


4. fracture

9. hyphen

14. interact

5. future

10. illusion

15. intercity

07.11.22 - Our 15 focus words are:

1. defiantly

6. distilled

11. enough


2. dialogue

7. division

12. equalled

3. dietician

8. eight

13. erosion


4. difficult

9. eighth

14. expansion

5. disagreeably

10. electrician

15. experience

Years 3 and 4 spelling word mat
