Our Daily Timetable
Squiggle whilst you wiggle
Carpet session
Busy time
Fruit and milk and story
Busy time
Carpet session
Carpet session
Busy time
Carpet session
Trekking Tuesday
On Tuesday afternoons, we go trekking. During this time, we further explore the outdoor environment at school and focus our learning on the world around us. We develop our awareness of changing seasons, visit the pond, search for minibeasts and be creative. We explore in all weather, so please make sure your child has weather appropriate clothing and wellies.
We also visit the library every fortnight on a Friday. The librarian reads us stories and we all get to bring a book back to school that we share together throughout the week. All of the children and adults look forward to our library session as we all love to read and listen to stories. Parents are welcome to join us, just let us know if you would like to come along!