Discover - Autumn Term
Discover - Autumn Term
Our Big Question is 'What is 'Once Upon a Time'?'
This term we will be focusing on History, looking back at how things change over time. We will begin by looking at our own timelines and how we have changed throughout the course of our life, plotting significant events on a personal timeline.
We will then dive into looking how household items have changed over the last 50 years, such as TV's, toys and even looking at video tapes!
We will virtually explore a classroom from 100 years ago and compare this with what our classroom looks like today at Abbey Gates, and even talk to our Grandparents about their experiences at school. (Look out for an email about this!)
Finally, we will finish our Big Question - 'What is Once Upon a Time?' by considering whether the changes we have explored have been positive.
More information about our Discover Project can be found on our Project Placemat!