Pupil Voice
What are some of the things you have learnt in Computing this term?
Y5 pupil: The most important lesson I’ve learned in computing is how to save my work ! So then I will never lose my work again.
As part of coding we used 2Code on Purple Mash. I learned how to move a football with friction.
Y4: I love Purple Mash – it’s the best time. You can also use it at home, you don’t have to use it in school.
Y3: We get to go on Purple Mash. I liked coding- once we did a magician task and made him move and do stuff.
What have you learned about Online safety?
Y5: Don’t share personal details
If someone sends you a message, check with an adult because it could be scam.
Y4: We’ve read a book called Chicken Clicking – the chicken got eaten by a fox because it was going online and talking to strangers.
Y3: If you get bullied you should tell someone. Like in Roblox people might be unkind so I would tell my parents or my teacher.