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Abbey Gates Primary School

Learning Together & Making a Difference


Discover - Autumn Term

Should we be forgiven for the mistakes we make?


This term we will be focussing on history and will start by stepping back in time to 1666 and exploring a big ‘mistake’ which was started by Thomas Farriner in a bakery on Pudding Lane – The Great Fire of London! We will start by exploring the concept of what it means to make a mistake and when should mistakes be forgiven. We will explore what happened during the Great Fire of London including when and how the fire started, why it spread so far and differences between 1666 and today.


We will look at the lives of significant individuals, such as Samuel Pepys and Christopher Wren. Throughout the unit, we will also be reading a range of books from the ‘Little People, Big Dreams’ series and the impact that people have had on our world over the past century. To finish our project, we will be exploring significant individuals from our very own local area of Nottinghamshire!


More information can be found in this term’s project placemat and class newsletter! 
