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Abbey Gates Primary School

Learning Together & Making a Difference


Discover - Autumn Term

Autumn - Discover

Below, you will find a copy of the Discover project placemat. This document encompasses sticky knowledge, essential connections, recommended readings, subject-specific concepts, key vocabulary, and potential career opportunities associated with this project.

Our focus during for the first Half Term will be on the captivating topic of Vikings and Anglo-Saxons. The children will have the opportunity to learn about how their settlement and invasion impacted on Britain. 

After Half Term, we will then dive into the second phase of our Discover project, this time delving into the impacts of mining on the local area. Throughout this project, Year 5 will embark on a journey back in time to uncover the impact of mining on the local area and in particular the impacts on the community. Blidworth colliery and Clipstone will be key areas we will explore, in addition to discovering more about the mining strikes of the 80's.
