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Abbey Gates Primary School

Learning Together & Making a Difference


Abbey Gates MPs

Prime Minister: Joe – I am so excited to be Abbey gates new Prime Minister. I already have lots of ideas for how to make the school an even better place then it already is


Kindness Ministers: Edith, Fraser, Dimi - We are both thrilled to be your new kindness ministers. Be kind to yourself. Be kind to each other. Be kind to the world. This is part of our school motto and we will be ensuring that this is the reality and thinking of ways to support children who at times struggle with these things. Kindness is vital to a happy school life, so let's all work together to achieve this. 


Education Ministers: Samaira, Ava, Wilfred - We will make sure that everyone at Abbey Gates is 'Aiming High' and is enjoying their learning. We will think of ways to make your learning fun and ways to make sure your learning sticks!


Treasurers: Daisy and Fred - We are in charge of the money. Well not really all the money, but we will help manage the money you raise, from events such as the school disco. We will also think of other ways to raise more money to further improve your school experience. If you have any ideas, let us know.


Diversity Ministers: Jessica and Xavi - We will help you to recognise and celebrate the diversity existing in our world and instil pride in individuality. Knowing that we are all different and that this makes us unique and should be celebrated.


Possibilities Ministers: Zac - We are your Possibilities Ministers. We want to think of ways to build aspirations, identify talents and support you in knowing about the available possibilities for your future.


Community Ministers: Emma and Eloise - We will be focused on ways to ensure that Abbey Gates is firstly a supportive school community and that we feel part of the wider Ravenshead community and even beyond this. We will be exploring ways to make links with the wider community.


Play Ministers: Charlotte - Myself and my other MPs already have some ideas to improve your play at Abbey Gates and we are very much looking forward to working with OPAL to improve our lunchtime plays. Play is a human right for all children so we want to make playtimes the best they can be at Abbey Gates.
