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Abbey Gates Primary School

Learning Together & Making a Difference


Purple Mash

What is Purple Mash?

Purple Mash is a comprehensive suite of online learning tools and content, designed to be used by children in both the classroom and at home.


Find out more here:


How can you get involved?

As a parent, you can find out about your child’s learning on Purple Mash and support them beyond the classroom by registering with Parent Portal.


Parent Portal allows you to easily see the learning your child has been doing on Purple Mash, including any comments on work from teachers, homework (2Dos), rewards and so much more. You will never miss out on being informed of your child’s learning as Parent Portal sends all registered users a weekly digest email.


You can start using Parent Portal today by following the 3 simple steps below:-


Step 1: Enter the URL on your child’s login card.

Step 2: Click ‘Register as a parent’.

Step 3: Enter the ‘Parent Code’ on your child’s login card and follow additional instructions.
