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Abbey Gates Primary School

Learning Together & Making a Difference


Summative Assessment

At Abbey Gates, we have worked hard to develop a robust assessment system with formal, summative assessments completed termly using NFER tests.


At certain points in the year, for specific subjects, teachers’ assessments may be supported by test scores.  In these instances, test data is translated into “standardised scores.” It is important to emphasise that this information is used to support teachers' day-to-day assessments against age-related expectations. Teachers will also use a range of other assessments alongside the NFER tests such as Accelerated Reader, Fluency assessments, end of unit tests.


Standardised Scores





70 - 84


expected level


Is able to access the National Curriculum with personalised support but has significant gaps in their learning. 

85 - 94

Just below

expected level


Is able to access the national curriculum but has some gaps in their learning. 

95 - 105

At the

expected level


Is meeting the vast majority of the National Curriculum expectations and is successful in learning many new concepts. 

106 - 115

Securely at

expected level


Is meeting all of National Curriculum expectations for their year group and is usually a successful learner and can demonstrate a good understanding of the objectives taught.

116 - 140


expected level


Is exceeding national expectations and is always successful in understanding the key learning objectives.


As part of termly parents meetings / end of year reports, there is a statement which confirms whether your child has met/not met their target set by their teacher.
