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Abbey Gates Primary School

Learning Together & Making a Difference



Subject Lead: Mr Harrison

Subject Ambassadors: Mia and Ralph


Physical Education is so important for a child's all-round development. As well as developing physical skills, PE teaches children intellectual skills, helps them navigate complex social situations, and nurtures their emotional development and mental wellbeing.


Through the study of Physical Education, children at Abbey Gates Primary School combine practical sports skills; developing physical strength and basic movements with key social concepts such as resilience, courtesy and confidence. This allows them to reflect on their own ability and improve personal bests but also enables them to become kind, considerate individuals within sport. In Early Years, children focus on developing their gross and fine motor skills. In Key Stage 1, children begin to learn basic fundamental skills such as throwing and catching and develop balance and coordination. In Key Stage 2, children begin to use their basic skills, learnt in previous years, in competitive situations; using tactics and teamwork for attacking and defending in a range of different sports.


Abbey Gates Primary School

PE Curriculum Offer



It is our intention that our PE curriculum offer is bespoke for our school. We believe that Physical Education is an essential part of a child’s educational development. We aim to develop a broad, rich and engaging curriculum offering a variety of activities and sports to enhance skills in Physical Education. We encourage positive and inclusive participation in physical education which will enable ALL children to build self-esteem, teamwork skills, and positive values and attitudes in P.E. and across the curriculum. We aim to provide the bridge between our ethos ‘Aim High & Be Kind’, our values (the 5Cs – Courtesy, Cooperation, Care, Compassion & Confidence) and the National Curriculum. Additionally, we hope to spark a lifelong passion within our pupils for keeping active and healthy.


Equip: We ensure that all children take part in high-quality, well-planned PE lessons, focusing on a range of different sports and skills. Children are equipped with basic physical skills such as throwing, catching and balance outlined in the National Curriculum but also social skills within sport such as courtesy and resilience.


Embed: We ensure that pupils ‘revisit and review’ as a key part of each and every PE lesson which is taught. Children have frequent, planned opportunities to revisit and master prior learning, as well as apply it in new contexts.


Enrich: Abbey Gates provides opportunities for children to engage in physical activity and sporting events within school, as well as the wider community. For example, all children get to participate in our annual Sports Day events, KS2 participate in Quidditch event days and have an opportunity to participate in competitive sports such as cricket, basketball and cross country against other schools.


Extend: We ensure that our PE lessons are planned with opportunities and ideas to stretch and challenge our pupils to ensure they ‘Aim High’ and experience their competitive side.



Our use of the Sports Premium money has increased participation in physical activity within our school and has ensured that this level of participation is sustainable. The details of exactly how we spend the money can be found on our school website on the Sports Premium page.


Across school, we provide two hours of quality physical education a week. This provides the children with opportunities to learn and take part in a broad range of physical activity and sports while at Abbey Gates. These opportunities are for all at Abbey Gates and we have adapted resources to ensure that lessons are inclusive.


In order to instil a passion within our children for keeping active, we also offer a range of extra-curricular clubs throughout the school year. These have proven to be popular with pupils and their parents. All of our clubs are inclusive and we often encourage children that do not have many other opportunities to be involved in physical activities or a sport. Inactive children are also encouraged to take on sports leadership or coaching roles with the aim to motivate them in a different way.


Abbey Gates are proud to work within the Joseph Whittaker Family of schools offering exciting sport festivals and competitions throughout the academic year. This also means that our staff have access to quality CPD opportunities to improve their confidence and ability to teach PE and we can attend the inter-school competitions. Our aim is to enable every child to experience playing a sport at a competition in their time at Abbey Gates, whether it is competitive, for participation or to aim for a personal best.


Our expert sports coach Mr Martin teaches PE lessons as PPA cover. These lessons mean that the children are provided with consistent, quality lessons.


At Abbey Gates we believe that nothing has been learnt until it is in the long-term memory and that memory is the residue of thought. Teaching staff are provided


with the resources and CPD that they need to equip children with key skills and values and to embed these, thus accomplishing our intent of excellence for all. Key skills and knowledge are revisited within each year and across year groups. Curriculum mapping can be found in the subject leader file and on our website (in the Key Information section). Progression is mapped out across year groups from EYFS through to year 6. Sequencing documents can also be found on the PE Curriculum page.


In Foundation Stage, nursery follows the Moving and Handling section of Development Matters through constant outdoor provision. Moving into F2 outdoor provision continues and in addition children have a PE lesson which can take place either in the hall or outside.


In Key Stage one pupils are taught to:

· master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities.

· participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending.

· perform dances using simple movement patterns.


In Key Stage two pupils are taught to:

· use running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination.

· play competitive games, modified where appropriate.

· develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance.

· perform dances using a range of movement patterns.

· take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team.

· compare their performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best.


We provide all children swimming instruction in Key Stage Two. In particular, they are taught to:


· Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of 25 metres.

· Use a range of strokes effectively (for example, front crawl, backstroke and backstroke)

· Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.


We celebrate children’s achievements and exhibit skills in many ways including through sports days, dance performances, cross country events, and sporting fixtures.




The impact of our PE offer is measured through our comprehensive monitoring cycle, which includes learning walks, staff voice, pupil voice, planning scrutiny and curriculum intent reviews. Reviews feed into an ongoing action plan for improvement. Each year, we review the impact of the spending of the Sport Premium money and its sustainability which will then inform our next year’s spending and how PE can be improved further. We assess and track PE through teacher observation, pupil voice and POP (proof of progress) tasks. The intended impact of our PE curriculum offer is outlined below:


· Children will enjoy physical activities and sports.

· All children will participate in physical activities throughout the day

· Two hours of PE will take place across school each week.

· Children will experience consistent, quality PE lessons.

· Children will have access to a broad range of extra-curricular activities.

· Children will understand the benefits of leading an active and healthy lifestyle and will feel empowered and motivated to continue to be active this during their time at Abbey Gates and beyond.

· Some children may expand their own opportunities based on an interest being sparked at school, e.g. join an external sports club.

· All children are included in PE lessons and all clubs are inclusive too.

· Improved, behaviour, focus and attainment in other areas of the curriculum.

· Improved mental health for the children.

· Children will understand some of the science behind how our bodies work and react when we exercise.

· Children will develop their motivation, resilience, confidence, courtesy and cooperation skills

 · Children will develop team skills and build relationships and friendships with each other.

· Children will improve their fitness levels, balance and co-ordination.

· All children will be able to swim at least 25 metres and will understand how to be safe in and around water. Results can be found on the website on the Sports Premium page.

Cyclocross Festival February 2024

To contact our PE lead, please complete the form below
