Welcome to our Early Years Foundation Stage
Welcome to the Foundation Stage at Abbey Gates.
Our Foundation Stage unit is made up of children in F1 (Nursery) and F2 (Reception). We are very lucky to have a large, shared environment that includes 2 indoor and 2 outdoor areas that are open and accessed throughout the day during "busy time".
Learning in Foundation takes place in many ways; child-initiated learning, small group tasks, adult directed tasks and one to one opportunities. Our projects are open - ended to allow us to follow children's interests. Regular visits within the community and visitors in school ensure our children have a wide range of experiences.
Our project this half term is based on the big question 'I wonder what changes?'
We will be learning all about how the seasons change, how the children have changed, what changes at night time and changes beyond living memory, including finding out about dinosaurs!
In school, we share lots of books, songs and rhymes together - reading is essential for communication, language and literacy development. It is important that children hear stories at home regularly. Reading books at bedtime is an opportunity to spend quality time together, sharing a love of reading. Please write in your child's reading diary each time they read at school.
Our focus books this half term are: The Story of Rama and Sita, Owl Babies, Peepo, The Dinosaur Department Store, Mary Anning (Little People, Big Dreams Collection) and the Christmas Story.
In Foundation 2, the children receive a weekly Tapestry Challenge and a Sticky Question to discuss with the class the following week. Both tasks will be sent out on Fridays via Tapestry. We will discuss the Sticky Question on Monday afternoons during a circle time.
Our focus phonemes will also be shared at the beginning of each week, we encourage you to practise these as often as possible with your child.
PE is every Friday and we visit the library on alternate Fridays. Please let us know if you would like to join us as we always welcome parent helpers.
Mrs Bowell, Miss Orchard, Mrs Whitworth, Mrs Wilmot, Miss Kingswood and Mrs Tomlin.