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Abbey Gates Primary School

Learning Together & Making a Difference


Sticky Questions

This week's sticky question is ...


06/09/24 - What would a perfect world be like?

13/09/24 - What is more important - adult stuff or kid stuff?

20/09/24 - Can it ever be right to break a promise?

27/09/24 - What's the strangest things about how people lived in the past?

04/10/24 - How would you explain what jokes are to an alien?

11/10/24 - If you could ask anyone a questions, who would you ask and what?

18/11/24 - Can you think without words?

22/11/24 - Would you rather be an unhappy human or a very happy sheep?

29/11/24 - What community is the most important to you?

10/01/25 - Is it more important for a child to do as they are told or to work things out for themselves?
