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Abbey Gates Primary School

Learning Together & Making a Difference


Year 6

Welcome to Year 6! 

In Year 6, children are increasingly encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning. It is about encouraging independence in preparation for bigger things to come. Year 6 children are the role models of the school and I know this class will do Abbey Gates proud – demonstrating the school’s 5Cs: Care, Compassion, Courtesy, Cooperation and Confidence.

In Year 6, we have a ‘can-do’ attitude towards our work and learning. Knowing that it is ok to make mistakes and then learn from these.

Mr Rich and Mrs Miles will do their best to ensure that learning is fun but focussed on helping the children to be the best they can be!

Regular reading at home and school will be encouraged - after all reading is the foundation for all other learning to take place from. We will also have an emphasis on developing efficient arithmetic skills, recalling times tables, knowing key spelling words, and voicing opinions clearly within discussion.

Mr Rich, Mrs Miles and the children promise to ‘Aim High and Be Kind’.

Keep checking out our page to see what we get up to!
