Our PE sessions are every Friday morning. All children should come to school in their PE kit consisting of a plain white or red t-shirt, black shorts / leggings / joggers, trainers and a zip up jacket for colder weather.
In the Autumn term, we will be exploring gymnastics and dance. In Spring we move on to using the large apparatus to further develop our gymnastics skills, balance and coordination and complete our second dance unit. In the Summer term, we will focus on ball skills and team games, ending the year with our own mini olympics.
In addition to our weekly PE sessions, children in the early years are provided with a wide range of opportunities to develop their gross and fine motor skills. These include, but are not limited to, using the large outdoor climbing equipment, accessing bikes and scooters, transporting large equipment, making obstacle courses, digging and gardening, funky fingers, dough disco and specific handwriting sessions.