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Abbey Gates Primary School

Learning Together & Making a Difference



School uniform plays a valuable role in contributing to the ethos of a school and setting an appropriate tone. Most schools in England have a school uniform and we believe that our uniform instils pride; supports positive behaviour and discipline; encourages identity with, and support for school ethos; ensures pupils of all races and backgrounds feel welcome; protects children from social pressures to dress in a particular way; and nurtures cohesion and promoting good relations between different groups of pupils. Above all, we believe that school uniform supports effective teaching and learning. Uniform can be purchased in two different ways:- 

Online Purchasing: This offers the flexibility of ordering uniform at a time that suits you. Uniform can be ordered from My Clothing with our logo. 

In-Store Purchasing: There is no requirement for the children to have the Abbey Gates logo on their uniform and the items listed below are available from most supermarkets. 


Our school uniform consists of:


· Black or grey trousers/skirt/pinafore

· Red sweatshirt or cardigan

· White or red school polo shirt/shirt

· Black school shoes


· As above or red gingham school dress

· As above or school shorts

P.E kit

P.E kit needs to be suitable for outdoor or indoor. (white or black shorts/jogging bottoms and red or white T-shirt with plimsolls/smart trainers) 


My Clothing also sells optional items such as a book bag with the school logo, lunch bags and accessories. 
