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Abbey Gates Primary School

Learning Together & Making a Difference


Spring - Explore

Below, you will find a copy of the Explore project placemat. This document encompasses sticky knowledge, essential connections, recommended readings, subject-specific concepts, key vocabulary, and potential career opportunities associated with this project.

Explore: Why should we care about places outside of the UK?



In the Spring term, children will learn about the key geographical characteristics of  South America, in particular focusing on the Amazon rainforest. They will discover the different countries that make up South America and explore some of the different cities within them. Children will explore the human and physical features, including the types of settlements, key topographical features and how types of land use have changed over time. Children will also use maps and atlases to explore the UK and their local region while learning to use a compass, four-figure grid references, keys and symbols



Project placemat EXPLORE Year 5
