Sticky Question
- w/c 4th July - 'What are the most important things you cannot see?'
- w/c 27th June - 'What would happen is money were abolished?'
- w/c 20th June - 'Can you be certain you know something for certain?'
- w/c 13th June - 'What in the future is already fixed?'
- w/c 23rd May - 'What's better - a poorly-paid job you like or a well-paid job you dislike?'
- w/c 2nd May - 'Is the music your parent likes more musical than your music?'
- w/c 25th April - 'If a piece of famous art turns out to be fake, is it less beautiful?'
- w/c 28th March - 'What duties do you have to yourself?'
- w/c 21st March - 'What's the most reliable form of evidence?'
- w/c 7th March - 'How many witnesses equals seeing something with your own eyes?'
- w/c 28th Feb - 'Can you be a bad person but a good ruler?'
- w/c 14th Feb - 'If we treat animals differently to us, are we being 'speciesist'?'
- w/c 7th Feb - 'When should you forget something as well as forgive?'
- w/c 31st Jan - 'If you laugh when you are trying not to, is it you doing the laughing?'
- w/c 24th Jan - 'How do you treat a person like a person? How can someone fail to do that?'
- w/c 17th Jan - 'When can you trust what you read?'
- w/c 10th Jan - 'Would it be better to have fewer, larger countries or more, smaller countries?'
- w/c 15th Nov - Is respect earned by what you do, or by who you are?
- w/c 8th Nov - How much of your thinking have others done for you?