Sticky Questions
Each week, Year 4 children will receive a new question, which we will collectively review in class on Fridays. These questions are designed for their age group and are meant to stimulate discussions. Taking a moment to engage with these questions at home is greatly beneficial; it enhances classroom discussions and offers an excellent opportunity for an activity, emphasising that there are no incorrect answers.
Spring term questions
w/e 05/01/24 - Can you choose whether or not you like brussels sprouts?
w/e 12/01/24 - Why do we do the right thing when nobody is watching?
w/e 19/01/24 - How are your senses of humour different?
w/e 26/01/24 - Can something be wrong if the only person it harms is you?
w/e 02/02/24 - Why do we enjoy being scared?
w/e 23/02/24 - If people didn't get rewarded for doing good things, would they stop doing good?
w/e 01/03/24 - When you dream, are you the audience, the actor, the director, or someone else?
w/e 08/03/24 - Can you choose your habits?
w/e 15/03/24 - Does our planet belong to us?
w/e 22/03/24 - Why does anyone want to watch something that makes them cry?
w/e 29/03/24 - Is the past more real than the future?
Summer Term 1 - Sticky Questions
26/04/24 - We sometimes wish we were them then we could do as we wish. They sometimes wish they were us then they could do as they wish.
03/05/24 - If super-intelligent aliens wanted to eat humans, would they be wrong to do it?
10/05/24 - Are humans wild or tame?
17/05/24 - If someone gives something expecting to get a gift in return, is it still a gift?
24/05/24 - What question do you think should be on this sticker?