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Abbey Gates Primary School

Learning Together & Making a Difference



Abbey Gates Primary is proud to be a school in which learning comes first in a caring environment where our ethos ensures that everyone is valued and we are all striving to be our personal best. We are 'Learning Together & Making a Difference'

We warmly welcome visits, and you will see high engagement in learning, and quality teaching in every part of the school. We are rightly proud of our excellent academic record and of our drive to ensure excellent provision for children's personal development. During their time at Abbey Gates, we want children to have access to the widest possible range of opportunities and experiences to enrich our curriculum and motivate our learners. 

Our tailor-made curriculum design equips pupils with the knowledge and skills they need, embedding these through quality teaching which extends learning from pupils' starting points and enriches pupils' learning experiences to inspire a love of learning and aspirations for the future. 

Education is a partnership between home and school and working together with parents/carers will help children to learn well. At Abbey Gates we have hard working staff, pupils, parents/carers, and governors who all work together to achieve our shared vision of excellence in which we feel safe and happy and can fulfil our personal, social and academic potential. 

I look forward to meeting with you and welcoming you to Abbey Gates Primary School. 


Abi Quant-Epps - Headteacher. 

