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Abbey Gates Primary School

Learning Together & Making a Difference



Amazing Attenborough!

Today, after weeks of waiting in anticipation we received a reply from our letters to Sir David Attenborough. The children were thrilled, as was I. Along with the letters the children created a range of water colour pictures of endangered animals.


This is a memory that I am sure we will all hold dearly for a long time.

Year 5 Reading cafe-In Year 5 we celebrated the end of  term by holding our own reading cafe. We shared our favourite books and even had our own budding authors share their stories with the class.

RE POP task!

This week the children created posters on Islamic beliefs and values as part of their RE POP task. They worked in pairs and presented their learning on The Life of a Muslim. 

Kingswood Residential Oct 2023

Year 5 Learning-Science

Year 5 Learning-Art

Year 5 Learning-History Discover-Vikings and Anglo-Saxons and Mining in the local area
