Create - Sum
During the Summer term, children in Year 5 will be asked the Big Question: "Who inspires you ?"
As part of our create project- this will mean there will be more of a focus on Art and Music. During this final term, the children will develop a real awareness of different artists and musicians, which in turn will help them develop their own style. In Art the children will compare and contrast artistic styles (e.g. cubist, impressionist, contemporary, abstract) using technical language linked to artistic elements and recreate artists’ work in a range of different artistic styles. We are super excited that Mrs Maker (our specialist artist!) will also be supporting us in art on a Monday afternoon. At the end of the term we are hoping to showcase all of the children's work in our "Abbey Gates" gallery in the Art room.
In Music the class will identify and describe elements of musical shape using technical shape (rhythm, pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, structure), perform and compose music deliberately and justify their choice of shape using their deeper knowledge of musical comprehension. By the end of the term they should be able to say how a piece of music makes them feel using more technical language of musical shape to justify their response.