- Introduction of energy monitors - children on the eco team select children in their class to monitor energy usage in their class every day. They are responsible for turning off lights, computers and Ctouch screens when they are not in use. Our Y6 representatives carry out weekly audits during lunch time to monitor. This has resulted in our energy usage decreasing for the past two years.
- Recycling stations - children and staff recycle their crisp packets in the school hall. These are then taken to recycling points - reducing the amount of crisp packets sent to landfill.
- Recycling other items - pens, felt tips, batteries and ink cartridges are also collected and sent off to be recycled to reduce the amount of items sent to landfill.
- Plastic policy - our plastic policy has banned the use of balloons and glitter in school. Staff carefully consider whether documents need to be laminated to reduce the amount of plastic being used. All children are required to have a refillable water bottle every day and tips have been shared with parents to reduce single use plastic in lunchboxes.
- Biodiversity - to encourage wildlife to our schools grounds, we have installed raised beds where all children grow their own vegetables and flowers. Many trees have been planted in our school grounds. Bug hotels and bird feeders have been created.
- Food bank donations - half termly collections are delivered to local food banks to support people and families in our community.
- Fundraising - fundraising opportunities throughout the year have donated money to charities including those linked to wildlife.
- Curriculum links - throughout the year, children are taught about environmental issues. Eco assemblies have raised the awareness of the global goals and these have been explicitly taught and explored during science week. Children are more aware of these issues and discuss them with their peers and families.
- Litter picking - children participate in litter picking on the school grounds regularly. Families have taken part in "The great British spring clean" by loaning litter picking equipment from school and improving their local area.
- Healthy living - meat-free options are available every day in school. Every Monday, all options are meat-free.
- Healthy living - Take 5 has been introduced in school to support the mental health of all pupils. During this time, children are taught breathing strategies to use as and when required.
Reducing, reusing, refusing and recycling -
Our aim is to support our local community to reduce, reuse, refuse and recycle. In order to support this aim, we created our swap shop which is located near the entrance of our school. Due to kind donations from our families, this is stocked with a huge selection of high quality texts that children can take home to enjoy then return and swap for another book. The book swap takes place every Friday afternoon during play time but is also accessible every evening after school for families to access. In addition to this, our swap shop now contains dressing up items that are available to borrow for events such as World Book Day and Nativity performances.