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Abbey Gates Primary School

Learning Together & Making a Difference


Sticky Question

Spring 1:

Friday 7th January: How do we programme robots to know right and wrong?


Friday 14th January: How is our sense of humour different?


Friday 21st January: Does our planet belong to us?


Spring 2:

Friday 25th February: How have you grown up (other than physically) in the last year?


Friday 4th March: What are the ingredients of a good excuse?


Friday 11th March: Why do we enjoy being scared?


Friday 18th March: Can it ever be good to lie to yourself?


Friday 25th March: How much of what you learn do you learn from home?


Friday 1st April: Can children be trusted to make fair rules?


Summer 1: 

Friday 22nd April: Can anything be art?


Friday 29th April: Can you think yourself happy?
